mardi 8 janvier 2013

Photographie thématique


Un jeune homme, Carmi Levy, de London Ontario offre à chaque semaine, un thème et invite les gens à afficher des photos sur leur blogue sur le sujet de la semaine.  Nous allons participer à ce projet.  Le thème cette semaine est On the Water .  Voici notre contribution.

Coucher du soleil sur la plage de Provincetown, Cape Cod - septembre 2012

Le Rocher Percé, Québec juillet 2012

Grand Rassemblement de Marcel Gagnon dans le Fleuve St. Laurent à Sainte Flavie, Québec, juillet 2012

Vous pouvez voir les contributions des gens sur le blogue de M. Levy.

9 commentaires:

  1. Welcome to Thematic Photography! That is a beautiful sunset shot - I wish I could be there some time!

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

  3. Hello, happy you both joined us for Carmi's Thematic Photographic posts! This is quite stunning!

  4. Good to see you here. A very peaceful scene and we can all do with them occasionally.

  5. Hello from another T.P. participant! Your photographs taken in Québec are fascinating -- I love the rock outcroppings and the carved wood.

  6. You must have added the bottom two after I commented - they are even better.

  7. Beautiful! I love the wooden post/figures.
    Good to see you joining in...

  8. Wow, wow, wow...I LOVE your pictures. I went to Provincetown when I was really young, and this photo takes me right back there. Thank you so much for joining in. So glad you could be a part of Thematic! Can't wait to see more of your work!
